Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Birthday Boys

The month of April brings a lot of joy to our home. My two boys just celebrated their birthdays and I am filled with so much love.

Jax Dylan… 4-3-09

My love boy, I can't believe you are five years old! You continue to amaze me with your curiosity, warmth and affection. Some things that I will always remember about you being 4….

  • I've watched you really figure out who you are in our family of five…an adoring little brother and now a supportive and loving big brother…it took a little while but I think you have figured out how special it is to be a big brother
  • Your love for all sports is bursting…but especially hockey…you are a Rangers fan to your core just like daddy. There isn't a day that goes by that you don't play hockey in the basement or outside
  • I love watching you on the soccer field. You are a real team player
  • I love your curiosity and interest in people and the world around you. You ask questions that sometimes I don't even have the answers to! Never stop being this way :)
  • You are and always will be my "love boy"…the kisses are irresistible and delicious
  • How much you love your BFF…JBZ…I have never seen a bond quite like yours
  • You love to dress "fancy" and always want to look nice on special occasions 
  • You are brave and confident and I am so proud of that
  • Cookies are your favorite dessert and you pretend to like ice cream cause the rest of us do :)
  • Your favorite books are Piggie and Gerald, Same Same but Different and George and Martha
  • You love to sing out loud and you do it with such enthusiasm (even when you don't' know all the words)
  • Your eyes always tell a story…your expressions are priceless
  • You like to wake me up in the middle of the night just cause you want a "kissy"
  • You can write the whole alphabet and are really starting to have confidence when it comes to writing
  • I think you will always miss Zoe and always think about her   

Zeke Matthew 4-6-12

I can't believe my baby is two years old!!!! What a year it's been…you have grown into your own little person and it has been incredible to watch.   

  • Being the baby has it's benefits and you have learned so much from watching Emma and Jax
  • You talk…and talk…and talk…all day long! You are one smart cookie
  • You LOVE "Bapa" (Mickey Mouse)…the show, the puzzle, the toys, the hat, the pj's…everything!
  • You love to do puzzles and build and play with your "guys"
  • You give the tightest, best hugs
  • I love holding you tight and singing you songs in your rocking chair at bedtime…especially when you start to snore on my shoulder
  • You are brave and outgoing and think there isn't anything that you can't do
  • You love to listen to "stories" and I love reading them to you
  • You repeat everything anyone says to you which is why you have learned so much this year
  • Music continues to be a big part of who you are and you love to sing. Some of your faves include Music for Aardvarks songs, Royals and Roar :)
  • You wanna play hockey just like your brother
  • You took your first real steps in the playroom with mommy and were so proud
  • You love the water just like daddy and think you already know how to swim
  • Emma is the one person who can calm you down and you always look to her for comfort and affection
  • How you snuggle George and Mimi when it's time to go to sleep   
  • You love to draw and know all of your colors…and so much more too!
  You are my baby but you are suddenly turning into a little boy.