There is something about the #3 that I love....something that feels balanced and just right...and it got me thinking. Most importantly, I have 3 kids.....whenever I kiss my kids goodnight, the kisses come in a group of 3....Greg and I have lived in 3 homes together...when i buy multiple presents for someone, it always has to be 3 (not 2 or 4)....i have 3 stacks of books on my coffee table...there are 3 big pillows on my bed...Jax's birthday is April 3rd...and lastly, the one I want to focus on, are the 3 bodies of yoga, which my teacher recently spoke a lot about in class.
The Hatha yoga system proposes that there are three major bodies through which the soul permeates-- the physical body, the astral body and the causal body. The physical body refers to just that...your actual body as you experience it in birth, growth, change and death. The physical body is also one that in this day and age, is given a lot of attention to, both in positive and negative ways. On the plus side, one's physical health is highlighted greatly now by society at large. What better example than the First lady, Michelle Obama's, "Let's Move" initiative to combat childhood obesity. Then of course there are television shows like The Biggest Loser that are getting people to bring attention to their health and physical body in a supportive and healthy way. However, with this tremendous amount of positive attention also comes a lot of pressure on men and women and even children to look a certain way. But from a yoga perspective, I'd like to highlight the physical body in the way of really thinking about and paying attention to how your body moves and supports your day to day actions. Just the other day in class, my yoga teacher C spent an entire class just talking about our feet...really feeling our feet. Did you know that you have 26 bones in your foot? Bringing this kind of attention to your body is not only fascinating, but also made me think how grateful and lucky I am to have a body that is healthy. I have a physical body that is able to do so much, and there are so many people who can't necessarily do simple day to day activities. And with this attention to move my physical body that way that I do in yoga, I am also able to tap in to physical strength, which is truly connected to my mental strength. When I have a moment in class where I feel like I just can't hold a pose for a second longer, because it physically feels like I can't, I am reminded that the phrase "mind over matter" is real.
The astral body, or the subtle body, is related to the mind and body chakra system. There are seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body. These points of energy are associated with particular functions within the body and with specific life issues and the way we handle them...within ourselves and in our interactions with the world. Basically, (without getting into the nitty gritty), in life, you need to know when to work outward and when to work inward. And maybe you are somewhere in between. I am definitely finding that big transitional things that happen in my life make me think about this very idea. Where do I need to put my attention in the present moment?
Lastly is the casual body, which contains the soul and your connection to a power higher than you. This is a spiritual idea that raises a lot of questions, a lot of thoughts, and a lot of opinions. Is there a God? Do you believe that there is a power bigger and higher than you? Is there more to this life then what we are experiencing here on this Earth? Given all that I've experienced in my 34 years of life, combined with my commitment to my yoga practice, I've definitely given this a lot of thought. So where do I stand? Well, it's definitely something I am continuing to figure out about myself, but I will say this...I believe that there is more than this life. I believe that those people in my life that I have loved and I have lost are having new experiences somewhere else, and I believe that if you really take the time to notice yourself and your surroundings, their energies and presence can be felt in the most loving and reassuring ways. Everything might just happen for a reason, it's understanding the reason that's the hard part sometimes....
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I've gotta be honest and say that I do watch a fair amount of reality TV, but the new HBO hit series Girls is getting me out of my reality rut. The Golden Globes on Sunday and the season 2 premiere have given the show a tremendous amount of hype, and in my opinion, all well deserved. Lena Dunham has created a show that portrays life as twenty somethings living in New York City with such honesty and raw emotion. She has created a character in Hannah that totally resonates with me, and I'm sure many others, and brought me back to my days of living in NYC with my childhood best friend.
I love how real Hannah is. I love how she speaks her mind, that she goes after what she wants. I love her sense of humor about herself and about others. Really inspiring. And I have to give props to Lena Dunham for owning who she is in a physical sense as well. She is giving her audience a true perspective of women and their bodies and acknowledges Hannah's dichotomy of her struggle with her weight as well as her confidence in herself. The tone, mood and humor of the show leave you wanting to watch again, to see how this awesome character evolves into who she is meant to be.
In episode 9 of Season 1, "Leave Me Alone," Hannah and Marnie get into a fight that has been building for quite some time. The two girls both have pent up resentments and judgements that leave them at a crossroads and they decide that they no longer want to live together. This scene brought me back to a time in my 20's when my BFF and I were living together in NYC and reached a similar crossroads. Life in your 20's is challenging. You are trying to define who you are, what you want for your life, who you are meant to be with and how you are going to bring this picture that you have created in your mind to life. It truly is a time of real self-discovery, however, you don't really have all the tools to do it in a productive and healthy way. The person that I was then would have totally benefited from the person I am now. But I guess that's life. You are presented with your life lessons at particular times for a definite reason. And while there was a time that my BFF and I had to make a choice about the direction of both of our lives, it was the road we were meant to individuals and as friends. Because that road brought us both to where we are now, which is a friendship and a bond that has never been tighter. We've been friends for 30 years and the history that we share continues to support the future that we are creating for ourselves. I wanna take this moment to thank her for all her love and support through the years, for the laughter and the tears, and for always being a person I could count ya D!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Let There Be Light
There have been a lot of things that have happened recently that have lead me to think about light, in all aspects of the word...natural light, light in the sense of how you feel and of course light as electricity! I don't know about you, but I am one who definitely believes in Seasonal affective disorder (google's a real thing)! When those winter months roll around and the days become short and the nights become long, I miss those hours of sunshine. Think about how you feel on a beautiful sunny day vs. how you feel on a grey, cloud day? There is no doubt about it, sunshine makes you happy! So the next time you feel like your day isn't going exactly as planned or you are just having a blah kind of day, stop and take in some sun. The Vitamin D will do ya good!
Now as for light in terms of how we feel....and I'm not talking numbers on a scale here (in fact, I have never owned a scale in my life). What do you do or who do you surround yourself with that just makes you feel "light?" Yoga is it for me. No matter what the circumstances are on a given day, yoga is the place where I can leave everything behind and physically and mentally feel light again! The studio (Baker Street Yoga :)) is my place of peace, my place of calm and mostly my place of reflection. I walk out of there totally reminded of who I am and who I want to become. It's like magic! Although I have to say, I'm still working on my headstand feeling "light.":)
Finally, I know we have all thought a lot about light....electricity the past couple of months. Sandy left many of us without power for weeks, but even worse, left many people without a home. In those days that followed quite a scary and unexpected storm, I obviously spent a lot of time at home with my family (we were trapped here for days). During that time, I thought about how it is so easy to get wrapped up in your own bubble....what's happening in my house, on my street, in my town....when in reality, there were so many bigger things happening to others. Yes we lost power for 12 days, but we still had each other, our amazing home and thanks to me a generator that kept things running as long as we could find gas! So continuing with my theme from last week...remind yourself to be grateful for what you have...and to remember those who aren't as lucky or fortunate still months later.
Ending on a lighter note, I wanted to share my recent obsession with lamps. It wasn't until recently that I really understood the value of non overhead lighting. From a decorative point of view, they can add height, color or just that little extra something to a room. I recently purchased an amazing orange lamp for my new family room and two incredible lamps for my them all! I look forward to lounging on the couch at the end of the day, turning on my lamp (that gives just the right amount of light) and chilling....You should buy a lamp too and see how it changes the vibe of any room in your house.
Now as for light in terms of how we feel....and I'm not talking numbers on a scale here (in fact, I have never owned a scale in my life). What do you do or who do you surround yourself with that just makes you feel "light?" Yoga is it for me. No matter what the circumstances are on a given day, yoga is the place where I can leave everything behind and physically and mentally feel light again! The studio (Baker Street Yoga :)) is my place of peace, my place of calm and mostly my place of reflection. I walk out of there totally reminded of who I am and who I want to become. It's like magic! Although I have to say, I'm still working on my headstand feeling "light.":)
Finally, I know we have all thought a lot about light....electricity the past couple of months. Sandy left many of us without power for weeks, but even worse, left many people without a home. In those days that followed quite a scary and unexpected storm, I obviously spent a lot of time at home with my family (we were trapped here for days). During that time, I thought about how it is so easy to get wrapped up in your own bubble....what's happening in my house, on my street, in my town....when in reality, there were so many bigger things happening to others. Yes we lost power for 12 days, but we still had each other, our amazing home and thanks to me a generator that kept things running as long as we could find gas! So continuing with my theme from last week...remind yourself to be grateful for what you have...and to remember those who aren't as lucky or fortunate still months later.
Ending on a lighter note, I wanted to share my recent obsession with lamps. It wasn't until recently that I really understood the value of non overhead lighting. From a decorative point of view, they can add height, color or just that little extra something to a room. I recently purchased an amazing orange lamp for my new family room and two incredible lamps for my them all! I look forward to lounging on the couch at the end of the day, turning on my lamp (that gives just the right amount of light) and chilling....You should buy a lamp too and see how it changes the vibe of any room in your house.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
to new beginnings...
I was walking through Maplewood Village just before Thanksgiving and noticed graffiti on a lot of the store front windows...friendly and organized graffiti of course! Many of the store owners agreed to be part of a project where people were invited to use washable marker to write on their storefront windows what they are thankful for. This warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face. I was immediately drawn to reading what everyone wrote. My own wheels started spinning of course and I began to think about what I was thankful for. If forced to write just one thing down, what would I say in that moment in time? The first thing that popped into my head was, “I am so grateful for Greg.” My husband has been such an incredible support in what has been not such an easy time in our lives. I am constantly telling my friends that I don’t know where I would be without him. The next thing that came to mind was that perhaps I should tell him this more often. But sometimes life gets hectic, there isn’t enough time in the day and before you know it you have forgotten to do the one thing that is more important than the millions of other things you have done that day.
So...Greg, I am so grateful for you. Thanks for being you and for sharing your life with me. Our journey continues....
I’m beginning 2013 by checking one thing off my list....creating my blog “Everything on Everything.” The inspiration for the name of my blog comes from a fun night spent with best friends, pretzels and ice cream but translates a little differently to you in the cyber universe. Everything on Everything will be exactly that, my thoughts on varying subjects that have been a part of my life experiences as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, yogi and just straight up human being. These experiences have brought me to a point in my life where I think intensely about my purpose on this earth and the journey that lies ahead.
Here in my first entry of Everything on Everything I am gonna take a moment to list my hopes and dreams for 2013!
- Start juicing for my kids (and me!)
- Go to yoga 2-3 times a week
- Read Journey to the Heart daily
- Worry less and breathe more
- Be present in moments with my kids and leave technology behind
- Remember quality over quantity
- Decorate. Organize. Decorate some more
- Take Zoe on longer walks
- Remind myself how lucky I am and tell those I love (Greg) that they are the reason why
- Surround myself with people that remind me who I want to be
- Learn to cook at least 3 good meals
- Cherish bedtime books with my kids

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