Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I've gotta be honest and say that I do watch a fair amount of reality TV, but the new HBO hit series Girls is getting me out of my reality rut. The Golden Globes on Sunday and the season 2 premiere have given the show a tremendous amount of hype, and in my opinion, all well deserved. Lena Dunham has created a show that portrays life as twenty somethings living in New York City with such honesty and raw emotion. She has created a character in Hannah that totally resonates with me, and I'm sure many others, and brought me back to my days of living in NYC with my childhood best friend. 

I love how real Hannah is. I love how she speaks her mind, that she goes after what she wants. I love her sense of humor about herself and about others. Really inspiring. And I have to give props to Lena Dunham for owning who she is in a physical sense as well.  She is giving her audience a true perspective of women and their bodies and acknowledges Hannah's dichotomy of her struggle with her weight as well as her confidence in herself. The tone, mood and humor of the show leave you wanting to watch again, to see how this awesome character evolves into who she is meant to be.

In episode 9 of Season 1, "Leave Me Alone," Hannah and Marnie get into a fight that has been building for quite some time. The two girls both have pent up resentments and judgements that leave them at a crossroads and they decide that they no longer want to live together. This scene brought me back to a time in my 20's when my BFF and I were living together in NYC and reached a similar crossroads. Life in your 20's is challenging. You are trying to define who you are, what you want for your life, who you are meant to be with and how you are going to bring this picture that you have created in your mind to life. It truly is a time of real self-discovery, however, you don't really have all the tools to do it in a productive and healthy way.  The person that I was then would have totally benefited from the person I am now. But I guess that's life. You are presented with your life lessons at particular times for a definite reason. And while there was a time that my BFF and I had to make a choice about the direction of both of our lives, it was the road we were meant to individuals and as friends. Because that road brought us both to where we are now, which is a friendship and a bond that has never been tighter. We've been friends for 30 years and the history that we share continues to support the future that we are creating for ourselves. I wanna take this moment to thank her for all her love and support through the years, for the laughter and the tears, and for always being a person I could count ya D!

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