Spring marks a time of rebirth, renewal, and regrowth in our physical world. Trees are in bloom. The sun is brighter. The birds return from their winter away. But how can this apply to you as well? There is a reason why the idea of "spring cleaning" exists! It's a great time of year to clear the clutter, both physically and mentally.
I am a major organizer! Everything has to have a place, things need to be neat, countertops need to be clear. I can attack physical clutter with the best of them! It even makes me feel good to clean sometimes. I also happen to be more of a "tosser" than a "saver" (which are you?). However, in a recent conversation with my mom, I started to question my quick inclinations to toss. My mom has been asking me for quite some time to pack up all my childhood memories (physical memories that is) and bring them to my attic instead of hers. You know the kinds of things I am referring to....old yearbooks, college textbooks, sentimental stuffed animals, old dolls, all of my riding equipment from my days of being an equestrian, photographs, etc. "Maybe E wants your old storybook dolls for her room now?" my mom said. It got me thinking....do I want to pack up all this "stuff" to have it sit in a box in my attic? Do I want to add it to the tremendous amount of "stuff" that already exists in my house? Or do I want to part ways with it, but keep it with me and pass it on to my kids in stories I can tell or pictures that I can show them? How important is a physical item in making you feel connected to or nostalgic for times past?
However, even more gratifying than clearing up physical clutter is clearing up your mental clutter! I recently had a conversation with someone that helped me do a major mental clean up. I felt amazing. I felt at peace. I felt confident about the choices I have made for myself and my family. In a recent yoga class, my yoga teacher D spoke about making three wishes. The first wish was something you wanted to release, a lesson in letting go. The second wish was something to ripen, something you wanted to explore or bloom within you. The third wish was something you hope to receive. Release, ripen, receive. What a perfect way to clear your mental clutter and once again help you define who you want to be.
What are your three wishes? They may just come true!
Spring Cleaning Ideas (if you need to be inspired)
- Kids Toys
- Your closet
- Pantry/Fridge
- Kids schoolwork/art (let's face it...we can't save every piece of paper that comes home! I actually gave E this job the other day so she got to decide what was important to her and what wasn't)
- Paperwork
- Garage
- Your Inbox
- The junk drawer in your kitchen (everyone has one!)
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