Only one day after I posted my last blog we said goodbye to our sweet Zoe...not only our dog of nine years, but a beloved family member. Greg and I got Zoe only 2 months after we were married. She made us a family on that day. After a long three month battle with cancer, it was time. As a pet owner, you always know that the day may probably arrive when you are forced to make an impossible decision that is gut wrenching and brutal, yet yours to make nonetheless. No matter the circumstances, saying goodbye is painfully hard. I will spare you the sad and heartbreaking details of that moment, but instead take this time to reflect on the amazing dog that she was and how much she added to our life as the Thomases family....
Zoe, I will always remember....
- Daddy and I picked you even though you weren't the puppy that the breeders picked for us to have. The moment we saw you watching over Jett, the tiny black lab runt of the litter, we knew you were special....and what a delicious puppy face you had!
- I played Norah Jones on repeat for you at night in those beginning days of being home and sleeping in your crate. I thought it was soothing :)
- Like our three kids, even you had a "mimi"...except yours was a lamb!
- In your puppy days of living in NYC we would take you to Central Park every weekend where you would run free and explore the biggest park the city had to offer
- Coming home one day to a room full of feathers! We had recently let you out of your crate during the day and you just loved eating pillows and down comforters
- How you slept at the foot of our bed on your special blanket
- How people were always drawn to you cause of your sweet, gentle disposition and friendly, loving face...who could resist those butter ears?
- Afternoons in the dog run across from our apartment on Riverside Drive and 73rd Street and long walks along the Hudson loved being a city dog
- Meeting Morgan (your BFF)...because of you we were introduced to friends that we now consider family...and they loved you just as much as we did
- Your favorite foods were apples with peanut butter and parmesan cheese
- Being greeted at the door with a wagging tail...but you were always especially excited when daddy came home at the end of the day
- The connection you made between Emma and I the day we brought her home from the hospital was a moment I will never just got it...and eventually for the boys too
- Pulling into the driveway and seeing your little face in the window cause you were laying on the couch that you weren't supposed to be on...but all bets were off when we left the house :)
- How your head popped up in the car the minute we pulled onto the street of our lake house....your favorite place on earth
- You could spend all day launching off the dock after balls and sticks at the was your favorite place...those nights we had to work hard to wake you and bring you to bed cause you were so exhausted from a full day of especially loved spending time with Uncle Danny while he pet you until all the hair you had to shed was on the floor...he gave you so much love
- Fire loved jumping after daddy in the pool when he dove loved swimming in the ocean and was crazy for us to keep throwing in sticks for you to loved riding the waves even thought it scared me...when you came out of the ocean you buried your face in the sand to get the water out of your ears and you howled like a coyote every time the sirens went off in you loved the ferry ride and found your seat on the bench with your head hanging over the side in the breeze (this is one of my final memories of your sweet face)
- How you made me feel safe in our were the ultimate protector
- When we put the kids to bed at night you made the rounds with us...moving from room to room while we read each one of them books and said goodnight
- How I bought lots of rugs because of you :)
- How you loved the snow!
- How you had many collars and leashes...daddy always thought I was crazy but what can I say, a girl needs new accessories....they definitely got to know us at Canine Ranch
- You never touched anything that belonged to the kids...ever.
- How you were there by my side in one of the worst/sad moments of my knew something wasn't right and you were there to make sure I'd be okay
- How you loved our hikes in the would run just far enough ahead to feel free but also be able to see all of us in the distance
- How I had to coax you up the stairs at night if daddy wasn't home cause you wanted to wait for him
- How you howled in your sleep!
- I loved kissing you right between your eyes and always thinking you smelled like popcorn
- Your was beautiful and strong and loving and true
Zo were truly one of a kind. There could never be another like you. We miss you every day.
Sleeping with your "mimi" |
The feather storm i came home to one day |
Loving EJT |
Watching over her in the bath |
Reading Zoe stories |
Lounging in Fire Island |
Still hungry |
Zoe & Morgan BFF |
Swimming at the lake |
Fire Island ferry ride |
Greg and Zoe walking the beach |
Loving life with E on the beach |
Zoe love |
Can you throw the stick already? |
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