You can't help but notice all the red and pink, hearts and love this month. Some people can't get enough of the red heart candy boxes at the drug store and others can't wait until the day has passed. Valentine's Day means something different to everyone, based of course on whether you are presently feeling loved by someone, what significance that day holds for you (is it a happy day or a sad day) and of course if you have the ability to give your heart to someone else. Without getting into the personal significance of what Valentine's Day means to me, it has gotten me thinking about love….Love for my hubby, love for my kids, love for my mom, love for my family, love for my friends. Love takes on so many forms, means so many things and is expressed in so many ways. Sometimes giving or receiving love is easy and sometimes its really hard. Sometimes the person you love most in the world is the one person you are giving the hardest time. Sometimes love sneaks up on you, catches you off guard and surprises you in the greatest of ways. But none of this is possible unless you have an open heart…a heart that is vulnerable, a heart that is willing to take chances, a heart that will most likely feel broken one day. I couldn't help myself and explored Pinterest for some love quotes that I hope will leave you thinking, feeling, wondering and most importantly loving.
this one's for my kids! |
This post is dedicated to GST…I love you. |
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